Sunday, February 4, 2024
My birthday is a cool number and I almost missed it!! Brother Dave wrote “2-4-24 It must be Barbara’s birthday!” Brother Dennis wrote “You’ve been waiting 61 years for 2/4/24 and you almost missed it.” I love a great number date and never ever even thought of this one. Good job, brothers!
I told Alexander we would go for an early lunch, then Donna and I were busy talking. He texted about 11 to see if he could join us or if he missed it. That made us scurry to get dressed and ready to go. He was here before I came down from my shower.

We went to Pannekoeken. Donna and I shared a Dutch pot pie Pannekoeken and a mixed berry Pannekoeken and it couldn’t have been better. Alexander and Keith kindly finished off the left-over whipped creams.

Last summer, I saw a picture online of some telephone art in a west suburb. I wrote down the address and then lost the piece of paper into a pile. I found it yesterday and thought maybe we could go see it since Pannekoeken is in a west suburb. They were 5 minutes apart. There are lots of phones. Lots. There is a collection box to add a phone to the art. I really wish I had a cool old phone to donate. This picture is just a section of the whole. When we first started walking up, Alexander said they needed a Garfield phone. We just needed to keep walking.

We earned lots of points for free stuff at the MOA during Christmas shopping and promptly forgot about them. I remembered them and hoped we could go the aquarium. Those free tickets have been used up, and Wink World (what is that? We don’t know, but it is bright) only gave us 2 tickets and there were 5 of us. We could get tickets for all to go mini golfing, so we did and it was a great time. Keith and Donna and I tied at not winning. Michael beat Alexander by 3. We were all so very sporty.
We got home and my friend Betsy had left flowers on the porch. The not very cold February weather made a perfect refrigerator for them. We made pizza and ate giant raspberries and laughed. It was a super fun day. I am so glad Donna and Michael came and that Alexander joined us for the day. Happy Birthday, me