Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Remember when I was out with a broom, brushing heaps of snow off the crabapple tree? I may have saved some lower branches, but one of the upper ones did break. We didn’t even see it at first, but it was definitely broken. Keith hasn’t had good enough use of his hands since the surgeries to get out to cut it down until now. He wanted to get it cut before any more leaves came out and it got more tangled up with the other branches.

While he was out working, I decided to start a new book I got today. I was reading about a party and surfing and Malibu being on fire and getting a little droopy eyed. I thought I might take a nap after a few chapters. I haven’t taken a nap in weeks, and I was overdue. I read that a character is 23 and I thought, “I’m 23, too!” My eyes were drooping and the book was wavering. I blinked myself away and thought, “Am I 23?” I focused, then yawned. “Yes, I am 23, same as this girl.” I surrendered to sleepiness and dropped the book and closed my eyes. As I drifted off, some more awake part of my brain yelled, “YOU ARE NOT 23.” I thought, “You are 60!!!” and a laugh just bubbled out before I completely fell asleep.

2 thoughts on “23”

  1. That’s a serious tool Keith is using….. You don’t even need a hypnotist to say “…you are getting sleeeeeeepy…”

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