Sunday, June 25, 2023

Cheers to us! This is the 500th blog entry. I certainly never anticipated that happening. I thought we would write about Wales and be done, but then it was so much fun to do, I couldn’t imagine being done. I wasn’t ready to come home from Wales – I wasn’t ready to be done with any of it. The newly won fancy Jeopardy cruise was yet to be scheduled and it seemed like something we should share…and so we continued.

And now the Jeopardy cruise is done. Should we be done? I think yes. And I think no. Every night Keith and I play the picture of the day game. It goes like this:

“Did you do the picture of the day?”
My head flops against the couch. “No, I forgot.”
“Do you have a picture?”
“I don’t know. Yes. No. Yes. Maybe. Do you?” I get out my phone and play games before looking at pictures. Keith goes to practice. Keith comes back. I am still playing games.
“Did you do the picture of the day?”
“No, I forgot.” Now I am lying, because I didn’t forget, but I am not admitting that games ate my brain.

Then I write. He reads. We go to bed.

Since no one is under obligation to keep reading, I am going to keep writing. I like having a diary with pictures. I like having a streak.

(Today’s picture seemed appropriate, but it is from last week on the boat. We frequently let the people put a little wine in our glasses. We tasted it and then ignored it. This one was promised to be very sweet, so we didn’t say, “Just a tiny bit,” and we both had multiple tastes. It was kinda good. But then I forgot about it. Some drink to remember, some drink to forget. I forget to drink.)

16 thoughts on “500”

  1. Congratulations on your streak of writing 500 blog entries and my streak of reading 500 blog entries. This is fun. Let’s keep the streaks alive.

  2. I’m reading, too. Some day when you are old you will enjoy looking back on all the places you’ve been and the things you did… Wales to the Amazon to Alaska and beyond. What great travelers you two are!

  3. I’m right there with the rest of the gang…. None of us are going to PRESSURE you to keep this going, but it’s sure fun for however long you WANT to keep going! On to 501…. (And that’s not Levi’s)

    1. It’s about that time of night when Keith reminds me, but I looked at my phone and saw your message and it reminded me instead. Thanks for playing that game with me.

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