
I was reviewing with 7th graders for the math standardized test today.

One kid pointed out that it was amazing that the review questions were so easy, when he remembered doing the units and it was so hard then. I said, “Isn’t learning great?” (How obnoxious is that to ask a kid?) He looked like he was seriously considering that. Finally – “Yes. I guess it is.”

We were doing unit rates to figure out which of something was a better deal. They were fairly uninterested. I promised that this was the math they would use most in their lives: figuring out how much something cost compared to something else. Our examples were 30 pounds for $49.92 and 20 pounds for $38.45. I asked what they thought we were buying 30 or 20 pounds of. They stared at me. “How are we supposed to know? (What happened to imaginations!?) I said, “It’s candy.” Immediately the reaction was “You can’t buy 30 pounds of candy.” I responded honestly, “When you are an adult and have a job, you very much can buy 30 pounds of candy, if you want to.” I have not wanted to buy 30 pounds of candy as an adult, but I could. I’m just sayin’.

“Why do we have to review this stuff? We already learned it.” “Just so you know you remember it.” “I don’t remember it at all.” The irony was completely lost.

“Are you really our teacher’s friend?” “Yes.” “Why? She’s mean and makes us do all of our assignments to be able to take the test. Why would you be friends with her?” I didn’t say that is actually why I am friends with her 🙂

Two minutes before we were supposed to break for lunch, they lobbied to get to go early. I told them to give me a good reason we should leave early. They spent one minute and 40 seconds giving me lame reasons. I finally said, “Okay. You convinced me. GO!” I got SO many thanks yous and Hurrays!!

I wrote 5th hour is my favorite on the board (very true at that moment. Still true at the end of day). Every single kid stopped talking and did math for at least two minutes.

Today’s random question was which US State did I vacation in last week? United States state. Not a different country. Over the course of the day I heard Ireland, Japan, Puerto Rico, Spain, Italy, Italy, Italy, Russia, and Baltimore.

Algebra is my favorite.

3 thoughts on “Algebra”

  1. And to think they told you you weren’t qualified to do the job you were already doing. The audacity! And the blessing in disguise!

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