40 years!

I distinctly remember the first time I was old enough to say, “That was twenty years ago,” about something that I had done. I don’t remember how old I was – 30? 35? Probably around then. Keith was going to Eau Claire today for chamber orchestra rehearsal and said that rehearsal had been moved from their usual hall to the university band room. Right before he left, he asked me if I wanted to go along. “You could sit in the fine arts building lobby, just like you did 40 years ago!”

Oh. My.

Forty years ago. Ahhh.

The lobby in Fine Arts was a GREAT place to take a nap. They had squishy couches, and plenty of other people taking naps so it didn’t seem strange at all. I spent a fair amount of time waiting for Keith there, sometimes napping, sometimes doing homework. It was a wonderful place to meet and talk and wait and hang out with friends. I remember it extremely fondly, and today I had a momentarily desire to tag along (but I hadn’t showered and actually had plans to do some things around the house), so I sent him on his way. He sent the picture of today – the lobby looking exactly the way it did 40 years ago. I cannot fathom how that furniture still exists, but I am very glad it does.

What were you doing 40 years ago? Enjoy those memories.

6 thoughts on “40 years!”

  1. 40 years ago, I had a nine month old daughter. We might have been playing peek-a-boo, or putting rings on the stacker, or taking the stroller for a spin, or trying to say new words. But I really hope, Stacy was cuddled in my lap and we were reading a book.

  2. Sure enough does look the same as ever, and that has to be the sturdiest furniture ever made. Lots of fun (and not so fun) stuff has happened in that space. Can’t believe that it was 39 years ago this month that I showed up there for my job interview. Sure glad it all worked out – life is better because we have you guys in it.

  3. I am overwhelmed that for me, the memory comes from FIFTY years ago. For example, I met a friend, a college roommate, for her birthday breakfast on Wednesday. We realized we had been wishing each other happy birthday for fifty years!
    Another realization of time’s passing is that we had bought our first Perkins “plus-55” menu items together at that same Perkins a while ago. You celebrate that first “plus-55” only once.🙃

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