Not a pool day, or was it?

It was 45 degrees when I got up this fine May Saturday. There is a lot of yard maintenance to do, so today seemed like the perfect day (not hot! not rainy!) to get to it. Keith was going out to get started, but I was hungry. I was cooking myself breakfast while he toiled away. I plated my delicious looking food as he came up from the basement, holding his arm, talking about hitting a vein. I looked up, rather embarrassed to have been cooking for myself and not helping, to see a bloody arm and shirt.

I (reasonably) shouted, “WHAT?”

Apparently, the tree he was cutting down (buckthorn – boo) has sharp little spines that grow on it and one impaled itself into the underside of his arm, causing lots of blood to come out. His shirt was bloody. His arm was bloody. I said, “Let’s go to the ER!” He said, :Let’s sit on the couch.” He said as long as he kept his finger on it, it wasn’t bleeding. He thought it would stop. I was wobbly and weak. We sat on the couch and watched a show. Then he put a band-aid on it and went back outside.

While he was out taking the two felled trees to the compost and having lunch with Alexander, I went off to an Open House to be a second (third, really, because there are two of them) pair of eyes looking at a house for sale that my friend is considering buying. THE BACK YARD IS INCREDIBLE. And, as we know, one buys a house for the backyard. I tried to look around the house for flaws and weaknesses, but the stars in my eyes could only see the backyard. And I already have a pool!

I voted to buy it. It will be a great house for my friends. The sad part is they will not come over to visit me to swim in my pool anymore. BUT I will visit them. I will swim in that pool! (Fact – I will swim in anyone-who-invites-me-over’s pool. I will get out of my pool and go to their pool. I love a pool.)

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