What a treat

I was walking into school today and a woman I have never seen before said, “There are bagels in the office.”

I love bagels. (Maybe this is just going to be a series on things I love now…mmm….wonder what tomorrow will bring.) I didn’t bother to tell her that I am just a sub and the bagels were not for me, but it is what I thought. I also thought, oh, I love bagels.

I went to check in (where I get a sticker with a TERRIBLE picture of me and barbara thompson on it. No capital letters and including my first name, so middle school kids can read it and say, “Can I call you barbara? I don’t like it. I asked if I could have a new picture taken – one when I know someone is taking my picture and have my name changed to Mrs. Thompson, which is what the kids call me. No. I cannot. Huh. Anyway….) and the woman there told me there were bagels in the office. She said a parent brought them in.


I still didn’t think the parent brought them for subs, but I thought it was amazing and delightful that a parent brought bagels for everyone. I went into the office to get my paperwork for the day and was again told there were bagels in the back.

I went to get a bagel. I got an everything bagel, because all bagels should be everything bagels. I really, really wished that no one was there seeing me take a bagel, but I decided that three people telling me (I took each as an invitation. Oh my. I am wondering right now if telling me meant I was supposed to NOT go in the back office. Hey! There are bagels. Just wanted you to know so you could steer clear.) (I don’t think so.) (Do you? Man, I hope not.)

I took it to my classroom and enjoyed every single morsel. Then I thought about the parent(s) who bought 80 or 100 bagels. I was delighted with them. They made my day. Given the chatter of the others procuring bagels while I was, it was making their day too. I bet the parent(s) thought they were doing a nice thing, but I bet they didn’t know how nice a thing.

I want to do something that nice for someone. I’m going to be thinking about that. I will keep you posted when I figure it out.