Josh Groban

About a week ago, I randomly thought, “I wonder if Josh Groban is touring this year.” I looked it up and it said he was in Milwaukee June 21 and tickets were $30.


We investigated. He was performing at the amphitheater at the Summerfest grounds, and there were indeed tickets as cheap as $30. There were lots and lots of tickets available, in an entire range of prices. I was so confused. We have seen Josh several times and he does an absolutely wonderful show. Why were the tickets not sold out? I still don’t understand. We got 4 tickets so we could go with my sister and husband. Josh did three live stream concerts during pandemic. You had to have tickets and you watched it live. We thought it would be fun to do, but it turned out to be extra special. We had Donna and Michael on the phone, and as we watched together, watching as Josh told us stories live from a secret location in California, it felt really normal and safe and together-y.

It was hot today. As Josh said when he first came out, “It’s as hot as the surface of the sun today.” It was only a slight exaggeration. He told funny stories and sang great songs. It was a terrific show. A breeze started mid-way through, and we survived the heat.

Several times during the show, I remembered seeing the live action Beauty and the Beast (the one with Emma Watson as Belle and Josh Gad as LaFou). When Josh (Groban) started singing the song over the end credits, Benjamin said, “Oh, listen. It’s Josh.” (I raised the boys to know Josh by first name only, obviously.) Sean responded, amazed, “This is Josh Gaaaad?” (I cannot get the incredulity in her voice via typing. Imagine she was quite amazed.) Benjin, of course, said, “Yes, this is Josh Gad.” Sean quietly finished, “Wow.” Ever since, whenever Josh (Groban) or any Josh is mentioned, Benjin or I will say, “Josh Gad?!” and the other will respond, “Yes, Josh Gad.” (Don’t get me wrong at ALL. I love Josh Gad and think he is very talented. But he is not singing like Josh Groban ever.)

Last thought: Why people go to concerts and then just talk through the whole thing? We were sitting far enough back that there were lots of empty seats, so we just moved away from the talkers. But, still. Why?

2 thoughts on “Josh Groban”

  1. Old, crotchety people like me ask people to be quiet or leave the concert. I REALLY don’t appreciate the whole talking thing. I find that they generally just shut up….

    1. Barbara+L+Thompson

      I think and think and think about asking people to be quiet, but I have only had angry, loud retorts in the past. Rude people seem to think they are entitled to be rude. These people had alcoholic drinks with them when they arrived in their seats, and I wondered if that impacted their rudeness.

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