What other people know

I am sooooo aware that there are so many things I don’t know. I absolutely love learning how much other people know. Keith has been suspicious that there is some kind of leak in the pool since last year. It had to be a small leak, since it continued to be questionable whether or not the water loss was regular evaporation or actually from a leak. He did the dye test several times – putting purple dye in the water with all of the filtration off to see if the dye moved. If it moved, it would be toward a leak. I had to dive down to the bottom and put the dye near the central drain, which is really hard for me because I am both shaped-like and buoyant like a balloon. We never found any movement. Keith did his best to test the plumbing, and although it seemed to not be leaking anywhere, he is not an expert. We scheduled a visit from a leak detection firm – not inexpensive, but hopefully it would lead us on a path to recovery that wouldn’t be too horrible if caught early. We were told if there was a leak, they would find it. I wondered how.

The guy came today. He knew stuff. He pressurized the plumbing and drains and found no leaks. He did some pressure dealy-ing to the light and found no leak. He somehow made the liner conduct electricity and found two leaks. He ran a brush all over the liner and it sounded like a geiger counter when he found a leak. It was really fun. Fun in that SCIENCE kind of way, and fun in that there is a leak in the liner and one of the water squirty dealies needs some sealant. We are getting a new liner, (the new liner was expected to arrive at the end of July. During the ride home from Waukesha yesterday, the installer guy called and said, “Your liner came in. Can we put it in tomorrow?” Um, what now? That would have been great, but the leak needed to be checked out first. So, now it is unscheduled. Our leaks do not need any repairs before the new liner, but if they did, before the new liner would be the time. Leak guy told us that he was at a pool this morning that had a complete central drain obstruction and they had just gotten a new liner last year. OUCH!) so that will take care of the pinhole leak. If there wasn’t a 20 foot slice in the liner, we could just patch the little hole. The leak guy said he was reallllllly glad we weren’t asking him to somehow patch the 20 foot slice.

The potd is Keith learning all the things he can suck out of the leak guy’s brain. It reminded me of a four-year-old watching big trucks build a new road. LEARNING is always great.

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