
Did you ever see the movie Sliding Doors? It stars Gwyneth Paltrow (not my favorite, probably because Pepper Potts is so whiney and is always telling Tony not to save the world, but instead take out the garbage or something like that. Also, I was really sure she was going to get Shakespeare killed or at least in big trouble in that long time ago movie that turned out to be a comedy and I hadn’t needed to worry through the whole thing, but I did) and she splits into two – one of her gets on the subway and the other misses the train. The getter-on the train Gwyneth gets home early and find her boyfriend cheating on her; the train-misser gets home at the regular time and doesn’t know her boyfriend is horrible. Movie ensues. I love how that split second split makes everything different! I believe it is also the theory of the butterfly effect, or any time travel movie. Don’t change the past, or the future! I think it is interesting to think about the choices we make, and what route those choices set in motion.

Keith and I both started with straw today. I was supposed to go strawberry picking, so I suppose that is what motivated us both. We both change our word every day – I always think about my day and choose a word fitting the plan. Keith uses what pops into his head. Anyway, straw was the starter today. As you can see, it made me struggle. I considered droll for the 4th word, but thought, nooooo, no double L! So I used a double O. How on earth is that different? I don’t know, but it seemed to really make sense at the time. Then on number 5, I have to veer off the track and reduce my choices – I could have gone drone, or drove, or drool (NO! the double O was NOT a thing) (cleverly ruled that out already). Droll was then the thing. Or was it? When you are down to the sixth word, it is very important to consider that X or Q could somehow be jumping in there. Not today…but maybe someday.

So, we both started with straw. I took the random, long route to six. Keith got it in 3. You just never know.

4 thoughts on “Choices”

    1. Barbara+L+Thompson

      Wordle! You have to give it a try. There is only one game a day, so it isn’t much of a time waster and it’s lots of fun. 🙂

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