Topper Gun

We finally got a chance to see Top Gun: Maverick tonight (called Topper Gun at our house, per Alexander. Speaking of comparatives, did you know there is an actor named Tom Holland, and an actor named Tom Hollander? It seems entirely reasonable that there is an actor named Tom Hollandest out there somewhere). Everyone we knew who has seen it has given it rave reviews, so our expectations were high. It did not disappoint! Woooooohooooo and yeeeeeehaaa. I laughed, I jumped, I smiled, I teared up, I whispered encouragement – such enjoyment.

We were sitting there watching the credits (we always stay for the entire credits). We used to look for interesting names, then we started looking for our own first names – often there are a bunch of Keiths – which is weird because (according to Keith) Keith is a weird name. Barbara Harris works for CSA, so she pops up quite often and I thank her for that. Benjamin is pretty common, Sean is not uncommon, but Alexander usually rules (we do not count Alex, or Alexandre, or any of the many alternatives. He still wins). Anyway, we were reading and commenting on the names as the end came near and the music information started scrolling. There was a credit for Taps – and it actually listed the player! We were very excited, because even though there are literally thousands of people listed in movie credits, it is reaaaaaally rare to have musicians listed. As we exclaimed about that, we also read the name of the arranger – Jari Villanueva – and Keith knows him! He is in charge of Taps for Veterans – part of which was getting Taps played on Memorial Day by as many people as possible, which Keith has participated in for some years. Jari is good friends with musicians from Northfield that we know, and has flown in to play with their group. Keith has also subbed in several times and so he has met him there. First time we (not actually me – although I recognized his name when I read it) knew someone in the credits. Jari is considered the foremost expert on military bugle calls, particularly Taps (he has played at over 5000 services at Arlington cemetery). Keith researched the correct way to play Taps before playing it at a funeral service earlier this year at Fort Snelling. He wanted it to be just right and wanted the most correct arrangement – leading him to Jari’s arrangement (hey! I know that guy!). I listened to the music in the movie carefully (I guess I am now a Taps snob) and was happy to hear it played “right”. The credits explained why.

Anyway, now I am special because I knew a guy in the credits. And the movie was really good.

4 thoughts on “Topper Gun”

  1. Julie Bakken-Johnson

    Keith played taps just right for our dad. We knew he would and were so honored to have him do it. Xo

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