An Advocate

I saw an article on my phone that promised to show me the perfect house for my Myers-Briggs personality type. I like houses. The problem was I did’t know my personality type. So I googled up a M-B type (free, instead of actual M-B test that you have to pay for) and took it. It said I am a INFJ-A person. It said the A is for advocate. It said that is the rarest personality type. Keith took the test too. He is also an advocate. Rare schmare. Anyway, my house is a lakeside cottage in Tennessee. Meh. The great big ole Craftsman style one seemed more like me. But, it said Martin and Nelson were advocates, so we are in the company of greatness. Can’t complain about that.

Today I agreed to start the year off subbing for a friend who is going through chemo. Subbing at the high school. Talk about out of my comfort zone! But, if me subbing for her makes her happy, then I am there. School doesn’t start September 6, but that ends summer way earlier than I was planning – but so be it. I will continue to avoid housework and float away my days. I will probably get up early and swim every day before work.


2 thoughts on “An Advocate”

  1. Good luck subbing long term in Secondary. Rather you than me!
    Fab idea about cruise. Any ideas to throw into the hat for where to go?
    Not surprised you are both in the good company with Mandela / Luther King.

    1. Yes, secondary is a bit intimidating, isn’t it?!
      What about Norway? We would really like to do a cruise to Norway. I’m pretty sure there are some out of Southampton. You are so sweet

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