We had a big day

Sunday, September 25, 2022

I woke up at 4am and had a weird throaty chesty feeling. I think it was acid reflux, which tv commercials have told me about it, but I haven’t ever had. I decided to go sleep sitting up, because it seemed like gravity would help. I ended up sitting up, but not sleeping. Darn.

We weirdly cooked creamed chicken at 8am, because I wanted to get it done and in the freezer and the day was packed. I also froze tomatoes, which is new and weird. I wonder how they will be. I even loaded and ran the dishwasher, all before showering and getting out the door before 10. This is not like us at all. We are much more surprise! it’s day! kind of people.

We went to Hudson for the St. Croix Art festival. So many lovely things made by talented people. I tried on all the hats at one booth and bought a purple hat. To wear with my green coat. I wonder how that will be. I think I will take up needling (crochet? knitting?) and make a green and purple scarf. It’s going to be fantastic. We got a rusty metal punkin. Well, it’s a rusty metal bucket with a punkin face cut into it. It’s kinda smashy. I fell in love the moment I saw it. He needed me.

Then we went to ride on a boat! Remember the good clarinet player from the Vintage Band Festival? He said he played on the Jazz Me boat rides out of Stillwater on the weekends, so we organized three music friends and their others and all met and rode on the boat and listened to the music.

There was a nice buffet lunch, and by the time we were eating at 2pm, I was really hungry. I ate like crazy and it was great. The band was clarinet, trumpet, tuba, and banjo (and the people playing them). They wandered the boat and took requests. We requested Bourdon Street Parade, which is what Harry Connick, Jr. ended his concert with last night. The sun was out, but the wind was wind-ing. We sat on the open deck after lunch and enjoyed each others’ company.

After we docked, Keith and I walked down the street and shopped at stores with cute stuff. I got a shirt and he got soap. It was a getting day.

Then we stopped at Walmart, where we so rarely go, because a security girl at the art fest was eating a bag of colorful Tootsie rolls. You know, the cherry and vanilla and orange ones that come in the giant bag of Tootsie rolls from Sam’s Club – but you only get about 17 colored ones outta 500 regular ones? I love them. And she had a bag of just colored ones. She said she got it at Walmart and I was on a mission. We scored two bags. I am limiting myself to two. At a time. I walk away, finish them, then go back. The limiting isn’t working so well. I eat the cherry and vanilla and Keith eats the orange and lime. We are an excellent team. The lemon are for whoever gets there first. (me)

I took a 30 minute nap, then it was time for Metro Brass. Christmas music tonight! By the end of the rehearsal, I was confused that it wasn’t snowy outside when we left. Yay! It wasn’t snowy!

8 thoughts on “We had a big day”

  1. Music 3 days on the trot. Wow.
    Love the idea of sitting on a small boat listening to live music.

    1. Three days in a row!! I am very glad we jumped on the opportunities when arose. I feel like a lot of times we saw we should do something but don’t follow through.

  2. I wonder if the tuba player in the band was Ralph Hepola – don’t remember if Keith knows him or not… Just curious. Acid reflux: if this becomes a regular thing, go to pretty much any store with OTC drugs and get some famitodine. Take it half an hour before or after the last meal of the day, and you’ll sleep great. In the meantime, two Tums will usually do the trick for a wake-up/sit up episode.

    1. Keith recognized the tuba player, but didn’t know why or who he was. He is an experienced acid reflux haver (Keith, not the tuba player), so he is full of advice as well. I am hoping it was a one time thing.

  3. Caught up again! It’s fun to read your posts daily, but it’s also fun doing a couple of weeks at a time. (I know I don’t *have* to catch up before reading the next one, but convincing my borderline obsessive/compulsive brain of that is way more time consuming (and way less fun) that just reading the posts in the first place.) Loved all the music news.
    Only one more out-of-date comment: I had to go looking for the origin of “egg-a-muffin,” and was not disappointed. I giggled through the “Mr. Roberts Neighborhood” interview, and now have a sort of verbal earworm in my head, alternating between “egg-a-muffin” and “wimby, wahmby, wambly.” I also found a very silly muffin joke that lots of people complain about not being funny while they admit that it makes them chuckle. It’s evidently a classic, but I didn’t know it:
    Two muffins are baking the oven. One says, “It sure is hot in here,” and the other says, “Ohmigosh, a talking muffin!”
    Nothing like a little internet “research” to make the day worthwhile.

    1. The muffin joke made me laugh out loud. I’m glad you enjoyed your egg-a-muffin research. I have to be honest – I always call them that and completely forgot why – but your research is correct.

  4. So…just have to share that I love the way you write. It is you talking. I can hear your voice.
    And also, I can knit you a scarf if you don’t get around to it. What color green? Olive? Emerald? Lime? I assume a deep dark purple…just let me know. I love knitting for others.

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