We got to wear our raincoats!

Thursday, October 6, 2022

We were not scheduled to dock until 11am today, so we did not set alarms. Since we are in an inside cabin (NO LIGHT from windows), we would never know if it was day or night without a clock. I woke up at 9:40. WHOOOHOOOO! Keith was still asleep. When we finally got up on deck at 11 for a hamburger breakfast, we found out it was raining. RAINING. Keith kept saying it was going to stop. Keith was not right for about 4 hours.

Undaunted, we put on our raincoats and went out to walk the seaport boardwalk of Halifax. I kept saying, “There’s a statue of a moose with a beer can inside it somewhere. You can’t see the beer can. It’s inside. You just have to know that it’s there. I don’t know why it is there, but it is.” We walked down the boardwalk in the very rain (with raincoats and umbrellas) and nothing looked familiar. There was absolutely nothing to see on the boardwalk. The moose (with not visible beer can) is definitely in Saint John (that was yesterday). Oh well.

At nearly 4:00, we set out on our excursion to Peggy’s Cover for scenic viewing. It stopped raining, and let me tell you, if the sun had been shining, the hour long trip would have been spectacular. The fall foliage was fall foliaging itself to pieces. It was beautiful even in the gloom. Peggy’s Cove seems to exist just to be picturesque – a light house, boats, a big wooden sea gull. There are quaint shops – all of which were closed by the time we got there. There were lots of signs that threatened death if we went on the rocks close to the water. We did not go by the water.

On the drive there, Tom and Louise were across the aisle from us. When we got back on the bus (last people on the bus, although we were 10 minutes early. There still had to be comments on us not being lost. EARLY. We were early. I like a timely bus departure, so I am not knocking all the people who were earlier, but why did we have to catch it for being the least early? Darn), and there were people sitting in our seats. I was very confused. What? Why? I just kept walking toward the back of the bus. I’ve been on a lot of bus trips. Once you get a seat, it’s yours to keep. Yesterday, we were in the last seat. It was not a good seat. If I had known you could just bump people, I would have bumped people. (No I wouldn’t. Because it is rude. We try not to be rude.) It didn’t matter, but what was those people’s deal? It didn’t occur to me ask them – what’s your deal? Why are you in our seats? – until we were getting off the bus. I think it would have been interesting what they were thinking.

We played Disney trivia (and lost) (two songs – one from Brother Bear, one from Lilo and Stitch threw us) and went to see the guy singing show. Both were very enjoyable. Then we stopped by the front desk to tell them to give us some money back because the shuttle never showed up. The lady working looked baffled at first, but pleasantly refunded our shuttle money. I was very pleasantly surprised. Nice.

We walked a few more feet and there were snacks. So we had some. We sat and chatted for awhile, until Louise was tired out. Keith and I sat for a few more minutes, then snacked again. The guy serving us had just made cookies, so he said we should have some of them in addition to my fruit and Keith’s raspberry dealie. We would have been rude to say no. We try not to be rude.

What I really wanted all along was a cookie. Who knew?

4 thoughts on “We got to wear our raincoats!”

  1. Excellent rainy day report! And an excellent philosophical discovery: Cookies are the answer! (If not, we’re probably asking the wrong question.)

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