Candy and Tears

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

We went to Sam’s club last night, and then to a different Sam’s club tonight to lay in a supply of little candy to give out during review before the next test. I am not a fan of giving out candy – this is the very first time I have ever gotten any to give out. I am a fan of happiness and enthusiasm and feeling good about doing well. I am also a fan of kids not wandering around, not putting others in a headlock, not throwing things across the room, not shouting at someone across the room, not sliding desks into the wall, not not listening to me at all, and not stealing others’ supplies (and then repeatedly refusing to admit they have the stuff, even though there are multiple witnesses). I thought maybe (MAYBE) candy would help keep the rabble under control enough that I wouldn’t be run ragged and the kids who want to learn might have a chance to learn.

I will have a chance to find out tomorrow in my first three classes, as they will get the chance to grab a candy by knowing answers on our review game.

Fifth hour did all of the things I am not a fan of today, so they will not get a chance to earn candy. Right now, I think I will sit and hold the bowl of candy while I ask the review questions, but not give them any (but I also know I could never actually do that. I really like thinking it right now, though). I had to call the office and ask for an administrator to come watch my 5th hour class while I went in the hall and cried today. I am not proud that I could not figure out how to keep 14 year olds from running amok, but it’s what happened today, so here it is.

10 thoughts on “Candy and Tears”

  1. There should be a video of fifth hour, and their parents should be forced to watch it. This is upsetting for ME!!! I feel like an old fogey saying this, but it sure seems like there are no longer real consequences for this kind of awful behavior. Grrrr….

  2. Feel for you Barbara. This is the reason I stayed with Primary.
    Hope your day’s become better. Xx

  3. So sorry to hear this.. I think I would have loved you as a teacher in high school. Hang in there.

  4. I agree that the parents should have to see what their kids are doing. On the other hand, if they act this way in school, they may act this way at home. In which case, it’s very unkind of their parents to inflict them on other people! Poor kids, *but* no teacher should have to put up with this. Besides, they miss all the fun stuff you do to help them learn. Sad.

    1. I remember once when a ninth grade girl exhausted me with her various shenanigans. I could hardly wait to place the all-important PHONE CALL HOME to regale the mother with the chaos her daughter put us though in English class.
      Her reply stopped me in my tracks: “You should see what she does at home.” The mom sounded utterly weary.
      I never called again and just tried to cope through that hour the best I could.

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