Oh, sad tree

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Four big trees in the cul-de-sac got the notice this afternoon that they are going to be taken down. I want to say they are getting the ax, but it just seems too mean. It’s a very pleasant surprise that the city is taking them down and we are not paying for it. That kind of surprise doesn’t usually happen. We have a large ash tree in the backyard, too. We have been treating it for the emerald ash borer, but we will have to have it inspected to see how it is doing. Poor trees. Stupid bugs.

I had to go to work today, because my co-teacher was having some unpleasant symptoms of chemo. She went home yesterday during second hour, so the test that was scheduled for the ninth graders didn’t happen. Imagine their surprise when I showed up today, ready to proctor the test.

No, seriously. They were surprised. They weren’t surprised one iota that it was me – they assume it will be me. They were surprised we were having a test. I asked, “Did you know you were supposed to have a test yesterday?”


“But you didn’t think it would be today?”

“How was I supposed to know that?”

Now, I am as skeptical as the next person about what kids say. No, I am WAY more skeptical than most people. I actually believe almost nothing they say. But this I believed. Of course, not everyone was saying it. Most people were expecting the test. But in every hour, there were a couple people who were completely surprised. I had a really, really, really hard time not saying, “Are you stupid?” That is just mean, and not appropriate, and terrible language, but c’mon.

There were also a bunch (A BUNCH) of people who tried to sweet talk me into letting them not turn their packet in because it wasn’t done. We do the packet every day. The entire course lives and breathes by the packet. Most of it we do together – I give notes on the screen with exactly what they need to write down. They do little readings and answer questions – then we go through them together (usually) (in fairness, not always). We do the study guide together, then the test comes EXACTLY from the study guide. So, if your packet is not done when it is due (right before we take the test), IT IS COMPLETELY YOUR FAULT BECAUSE YOU WERE TOO LAZY TO WRITE DOWN THE ANSWERS WHEN I TOLD THEM TO YOU.

I was not swayed by anyone. Not at all. Nada. Gimme the packet.

1 thought on “Oh, sad tree”

  1. You know, for all the changes that have taken place in the world and in education since I started teaching in 1974, some things are EXACTLY the same. With things like the “test? what test?” business, no evolvement has occurred.

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