
Saturday, November 12, 2022

Today was a catch-up, clean up kinda day. Keith had a rehearsal in River Falls in the morning and I had the brilliant motivation to clean up our bedroom, which has been looking decidedly stirred (you know, like a giant took the roof off the house and just stirred). Suitcases from Monday night were on the floor, everything that didn’t fit when I tried to get dressed for work without planning was scattered…pretty standard for us. I started gathering and organizing and very soon had a pile of stuff that needed to go downstairs.

Down I went. Not wanting to waste a trip back up, I gathered somethings from the counter that needed to go upstairs, and then just grabbed one thing that needed to go into the pantry. I flipped open the door and set it in its place and staring me right in the face was Hunter Mix.

Dun dun dunnnnnn

I had broken my Hunter Mix addiction by going to Florida and forgetting about it. It was immediately back with a vengeance. I took out the canister and had a little. I eat it in very little bits. It is peanuts, cashews, almonds, sunflower seeds, pepitas, and little sesame sticks. SESAME STICKS FROM HEAVEN. The nuts are great. Nuts are great. But the sesame stick flavor gets all over everything and I CAN’T STOP EATING IT. I do this great thing to stop. I have a little bit. I put the lid on. I rinse my hands. I dry my hands. I re-open the lid. I have a little more. I take a little bigger more, put the lid back on, and walk away while I still have some. I get to the bottom of the steps and swing back around down the hall. I open the lid. I get a little bit.


I guess it wasn’t really a great way to stop.

After quite a while, I made it back upstairs. I got away. It was really hard not to come back down. I promised myself I could go back down when I found more things that needed to go down.

Gaaaaahh. There were no more things. All the things that were upstairs were upstairs things. What? How is that even possible?

Keith came home with fried chicken for lunch – I was able to focus on other eating.

We watched Enola Holmes 2 tonight (I liked it, but really only because her brother shows up a lot) and spent the first hour thinking about Hunter Mix. Thinking about eating it one thing at a time, to savor it. I finally gave up and went and got it. I finished the last half a cup. Luckily, I have another canister. And another another canister. It was on sale last time we were at Sam’s. Win!

8 thoughts on “Can’t…stop…eating…”

  1. We had small gatherings for Rememberable Day locally but today is known as Rememberable Sunday. There will be lots of parades in towns and cities and church services. Quite a spectacle.
    Pleased you had a great time away. 🙂

    1. I think that is wonderful that it is so widely celebrated. I don’t know that much happens here outside of the high schools – and that is not really advertised for the community.

  2. My stop eating it plan for almonds, m&ms, etc., etc., etc. is the same as yours and works equally well. Maybe a trip to Florida is what I really need.

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