Just in

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Do you see him? Do you see him walking back to the hotel from the concert hall (Pablo Center), wearing a tuxedo and a pompom hat in 11 degree weather? Isn’t he cute? I started waving from here on the 5th floor and didn’t get a closer up picture. He forgot to pack an overcoat and luckily, we are only two blocks from the event center.

Usually on chamber orchestra weekends we check out of the hotel on Saturday morning, figure out how to spend the afternoon (we often go to the university student union – which is deserted or to the university library, because Alexander taught us where they keep games, of which we avail ourselves). Today was different, because tomorrow there is another concert and we get to stay in the hotel another night – and by obvious extension, another day.

I was so excited. I think I have a deep seated feeling that I should always be tidying up my house, so when I am not doing that (which is literally always, because my house always looks stirred), I am not really at ease with whatever I am doing that is not tidying. That is why I think I love staying in hotels so much – I CANNOT feel bad that I am not doing chores. My whole self is allowed to not worry. Phew. It is BEST.

We went to Erbert & Gerbert’s for lunch, because I was craving it as soon as we got to town last night. Keith got soup (always) and tossed me the two packs of saltines. I love saltines. He does not. We have a perfect relationship. He ordered a brisket and macaroni and cheese sandwich. Did you know such a thing existed? I didn’t. He stood at the counter (I had a Boney Billy, because I am unaware that there is anything else worth having) a weirdly long time deciding what to have, then ordered a sandwich which may have been invented specifically for him. Huh. It was all delicious and we were happy.

We returned to spend the afternoon in the hotel. Of course, we immediately napped after lunch, because we are nappers. We watched some of the Brass in Concert contest that was happening in England today. Cory Band took third – doesn’t seem like their new soprano player is bringing them luck – but it was a terrific show (including an audio recording of the Queen, which made me think they would win for sure) (the show was built on Dr. Who and somehow they made the Queen fit into it perfectly) and it is just so much fun to see people we know playing in the band. I read lots of recipes, because Thanksgiving is coming and people are coming and it is so exciting. I think all of the food involves cheese. That might need to be relooked at.

Keith went off to play the concert and I just wallowed in my hotelness. I finished a decidedly mediocre romance novel and talked to my sister. SHE HAS SHINGLES!!! OH NO!!!! I am hoping and hoping that it is not bad and that she will not be too uncomfortable. It was too late to go to urgent care tonight to try to get antivirals, but she will go tomorrow. I had the shingles vaccine as soon as I could, because I had the WORST (actual. Documented) (Not documented. But my mom said) case of chicken pox of ever and I was sure the shingles were going to get me. Now I am on the path to get Keith vaccinated. He has been saying he is going to get it for several years, but he is not good at remembering to do things. Alexander had his 4th covid shot Thursday evening and was miserable with a fever and chills all day yesterday, until 1:30am this morning, when he was suddenly and completely better. Win for better.

We didn’t eat before the concert, so we ran to Taco John’s at 9:30. We sat in the car and listened to our audio book (Matthew Perry’s memoir) and ate and enjoyed. I hope your day was as relaxing and delightful as mine!

Keith just didn’t understand my title. It means I was just in today – yes, I went out and ate, but I felt like I was just in my room today. Just in.

8 thoughts on “Just in”

  1. Tom and I just got our first singles shot after talking about it (but not getting around to it) for several years. Hey-Vee saved us. We had heard there are no appointments needed at Hy-Vee for the shingles shots. AND we remembered that when we were grocery shopping, so we walked over to the pharmacy, asked for the shingles shot #1 and got it. I put a “Go to Hy-Vee” event on my calendar in February for shot #2. I just love it when a plan comes together.

    1. Oh my goodness that is terrific. I was sick after both my shingles shots – I am glad you weren’t!

  2. Rah Louise…. We did the “new” shingles shot series (both of them) sometime before the pandemic. EVERYBODY really, really, really needs to get those two shots. Shingles is the absolute depth of the pits, and for some folks it can last a long time. Do not fail to get this vaccine!!! Even if there’s a reaction like Barbara had, it’s WAY, WAY better than getting shingles. Happy Sunday afternoon to all…

    1. Yes!! I shouldn’t have said I was sick – it was only about half a day, not significant – I wouldn’t want to put anyone off getting it! Nancy, my sister, can get it as soon as her current case clears. She was able to get the medicine this morning

  3. Don’t know why but here we only have one shingles shot. The other week I had a flu shot in one arm and my 5th COVID shot in the other. All set for winter now.
    How did you view the Cory Band? I’d like to see that. 🙂

    1. We used to have just a single shingles vaccine, but they got a new one a few years ago. Now it’s two shots two to six months apart. It is supposed to be more effective than the original vaccine. You should ask about it, because maybe it has come out since you got your first shot. You can certainly get the new series even if you have had the original shot. I’m Glad that you have your latest COVID shot and your flu shot. I got my flu shot, but since I have been sick for 3 days after each of my second third and fourth COVID shots, I am waiting until December 27th to get the next one. That’s the first time on my calendar that I have 3 days with nothing to do.

    2. Lots and lots of brass band performances and recordings can be found at http://wobplay.com. It is a subscription-based site. I pay £69.99/year, but you can also just pay £7.99 for one month, then cancel after you’ve watched everything of interest in one month. Most of the major contests can be viewed at this site, as well as full CDs of many bands and soloists.

      My favorite contest is Brass in Concert at Sage, Gateshead, in November each year. What I like about this contest is that instead of every band playing the same piece of music, as it is for most other contests, each band picks their own music and each band has its own theme or story to relate with that music.

      This year’s Brass in Concert is the latest big event, so it is the first thing you will see at the website. There are two videos for this year, one for the first six bands (in performance order, not winning order) and one for the last six plus the award ceremony. If you’d like to go directly to the Cory performance, it is at the 1:57:40 mark in the first video. The winning band this year is Brighouse & Rastrick and they are the first band on the second video. The Tredegar Town Band (also from Wales) took second place and can be found at 3:05:45 in the second video.

      If you enjoy the 2022 Brass in Concert programs, you can also find the recordings from earlier years as well.

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