We Blew Glass!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

I actually wasn’t sure that we were going to actually blow glass in this glass. We were working hard enough just to get the glass out of the furnace! Today we learned how to use the cold shop – a variety of different grinders to polish and clean up your glass. It seemed necessary, but not terribly exciting.

Then we learned how to blow a bubble! In the olden days, (pre-Covid) you actually used your mouth to blow the air through the tube, but now you use a hand pump like on a blood pressure cuff (safety!). Jeff and Keith and I were learning to make bubbles while Ashley and Myriam were grinding (Alexander is still sick – sad day). It turns out that between the three of us, we make one darned fine beginner glass blower. Keith is good at gathering glass (getting it out of the furnace), Jeff is great at marvering (rolling it on the steel table to shape it), and I am good at blowing bubbles. Yay us!

4 thoughts on “We Blew Glass!”

  1. Sounds fantastic. Look forward to hearing about your glass blowing adventures every week.
    I can imagine Alexander will return as soon as possible to catch up. 🙂

    1. Hopefully he will be able to get over to learn what he missed. There is a fee to work with the instructor (which is to be expected). Maybe Keith and I could try to teach him…might work, might be hilarious!

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