My Fair Lady

Thursday, 3/23/23

So many 3s and 2s today! Palindromes are best!

Keith started out the day with a root canal on a cracked tooth. He is putting the Ibuprofen/Tylenol cycle to the test keeping both the carpal tunnel and the tooth pain at bay.

We went to the Ordway to see My Fair Lady tonight. It was well produced and well performed, but you can never really get Audrey Hepburn (and Marnie Nixon) and Rex Harrison out of your mind, can you?

6 thoughts on “My Fair Lady”

  1. We’ve grown accustomed to their faces . . . . .

    Here’s hoping Keith’s recovery from wrist and tooth work is as painless as possible!

  2. Barbara L Thompson

    That was a perfect response!
    Wrist is still doing okay, but entire jaw is aching today. I thought AFTER the root canal you were supposed to feel better!

    1. The tooth is much better today (probably all better tomorrow) and surprisingly the hand still is not having much pain. They told me that sometimes it takes a couple days before some swelling sets in and it gets sore, but I’ve been icing it to hopefully help prevent that too.

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