Red Hot Chilli Pipers

Saturday, March 25, 2023

We were back to the Ordway tonight. My Fair Lady was still playing on the main stage, but we were in the concert hall to see the Red Hot Chilli Pipers with Mike and Mary. Mike had always wanted to learn to play the bagpipes and when he retired, he started taking lessons. He has gotten good enough to perform, but we haven’t had the opportunity to hear him play publicly yet. I look forward to it.

Anyway, when I saw the name of the group, I assumed we should just go – no need to research or anything. Cute name, bagpipes, gotta be something to see.

It was pretty weird. It was pretty great, too, but pretty weird. It was a percussionist, a bassist, guitar player, keyboardist, singer, and three bagpipers. They started with several reels that sort of went on and on and sounded a lot like the last reel. Then they played Amazing Grace, and it was really good. Then there was some “Bag rock”. That seemed to pump up the audience. I thought he was saying Bad Rock, and I wondered why everyone was excited about that. The audience was very enthusiastic – one guy in about the fourth row kept standing up and waving his arms and pumping his fists – a true fan! Bag Rock was loud and guitar-y and long. Then I fell asleep a little. Then they played Highland Cathedral, which is Keith’s favorite, and it was terrific.

At intermission, My Fair Lady was playing in the lobby/restrooms of the main hall, and I got to hear I Could Have Dance All Night, which is the second-best song from the show, so that was good timing.

The second half had some more random noise songs and some more bagpipe-y songs and then some pop tunes. It was very eclectic to say the least. They told everyone to stand up and dance. Everyone stood up and stood there. It made me laugh and laugh. It’s making me laugh right now. They did a lot of last songs, and I was very thirsty. Don’t fool me with six last songs when I am thinking I am going to get a drink.

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