Free Lunch

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Today’s picture is really from yesterday. There were still snowflakes on the windows of the library from when I was there in January and we needed a change. I had the big kids (4th graders and a few 5th graders) make flowers to plant under the window. It was interesting to see some scribble, some take their time, some go big, some go small. It made for a terrific garden. I forgot to take a picture and had to request this one today from the teacher I was subbing for.

I was off to sub in preschool today. Preschool is hard because there are often very specific things that the kids do and if you are new (and therefore clueless) sometimes it’s hard to get up to speed. I was lucky in the morning to be in a group setting – two teachers (both of us subs) and two absolutely terrific paraprofessionals. Preschool would not function without paraprofessionals. These two people were caring and thorough and knowledgeable and I am SO GLAD neither of them was out sick. The morning kids were four years old and all were pretty great, but the true cuteness did not start until the afternoon with the three-year-olds. Oh my! There is something unbelievably adorable about three-year-olds all dressed up in their winter wear, wearing their giant backpacks, holding hands, walking to class. Then they shed all that outer stuff and are their true adorable selves. One little boy would come up close to me and whisper something – usually nonsense – then just break into the BEST SMILE. I laughed every time. What a joyful day.

At the end of the day, I grabbed the sub folder that the office lady had given me. I had quickly looked at it in the morning – map (I was already in my room), phone numbers (hadn’t even looked for the phone), and regular ed. class lunch schedules. I flipped it open once more just to see if there was anything I needed to see (what? I don’t know? Some schools have report forms to fill out – I hate them) and I saw a little piece of paper slide down inside the semi-transparent pocket. I fished it out and it was a coupon for a FREE LUNCH! It said Thank you for subbing for us – enjoy lunch on us. Good for one free adult lunch.

I was so excited. I love lunch. It is the best meal of day (especially if you are eating breakfast food) (I’m complicated). The office lady couldn’t have been too excited I was subbing for them because she didn’t tell me about it and it was reallllllly a miracle that I saw it, but still, I was very excited. I did understand that I missed lunch today, BUT I am going back there tomorrow for another preschool day (different kids between Thursday and Friday. I hope the new ones whisper) and I am going to have a school lunch! I took the coupon out of the folder and left it on the desk, in case they don’t give me one tomorrow. I am ready! I looked up the menu right away – rigatoni with alfredo sauce and a garlic knot and Caesar salad and variety fruit! WoooooHooooo!

I don’t even know how I will get to sleep tonight – such fun on the horizon.