Crappy Faster!

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Almost 20 years ago, I cross-stitched a picture for my mom. It says “Happy Easter”, with the letters surrounded by and maybe made out of flowers. I was working it during lunch at school, probably because I wasn’t going to finish it in time otherwise. Someone came in and peeked over my shoulder for a look. She complimented the colors and the work and said, “What does it say?” When I cross-stitch, I think I start with the most prominent color, then fill in after that with all the other colors. There were definitely letters appearing out of the emptiness when I held it up for her to see.

“Crappy Faster?”

Um. I don’t know what I replied, but I assume it was yes, I am spending a gazillion hours to stitch something that says Crappy Faster.

I got a message first thing this morning from Alexander wishing me a Crappy Faster. Everyone shared the same greeting, because we love our traditions.

The framed pictures haven’t risen from a box at my sister’s house yet (my mom’s old house), but I very much look forward to having that in my house after it does. Some things are even better when you have the original.

Keith was off playing at church this morning. He played at two different churches yesterday – one at 5:30pm and one at 8:00pm. The 8pm service last 2 hours and 40 minutes and was followed by a catered meal. Oooof. That is a long service. He was back from 8:00 until noon this morning. He was filling in for a missing member of a quintet. They rehearsed Wednesday night, then before each performance this weekend. He had been told he would be paid about X dollars. And he was.

The interesting part was that the other players were paid 40% more. Mmm. The memos on the checks were identical (Easter) so it could have been for additional performances, but it doesn’t seem likely. The person he knows who asked him to sub handed him the check with, “I told you X dollars, right?” The other checks were laying on the table in plain view, so Keith wasn’t investigating. He was really pondering it on the drive home. Did they get more than they had expected and split the extra between the regular group members? Was there extra pay for more work? Should he have asked? He was paid the agreed upon amount, so there is no concern about that…but he is curious. I said put it out of your mind, then I wrote about it.

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