It’s 84!

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

You gotta love Minnesota – we get all the seasons…sometimes in the same week. It’s one thing to see that it is going to be 84 on the weather forecast; it’s another to actually go outside and not only not feel cold, but to feel HOT. All the kids were wearing shorts at school today. I’m pretty sure my kids would not have been wearing shorts, because I wouldn’t know where the shorts were yet.

I drove between schools at 1:30 this afternoon and wondered why I wasn’t in the convertible. It was perfect weather! We took it to the movies, because I learned from my mistake. We saw Air, about Nike signing Michael Jordan to endorse Air Jordans. Even though we all knew it was going to happen, we were all excited the whole time, rooting for Matt Damon’s character to convince Michael Jordan.

Earlier in the week, I read a book to second graders….no, third graders…mmmm…don’t know. One of those two. I read a book called Fact v Opinion v Robots. Robots were teaching us about the difference between facts and opinions. The kids were really doing a pretty good job at figuring out the difference. I have (in the past) done an activity with 6th graders about fact vs opinion and they struuuuuuuuggle with it (their examples are a bit more complicated, to be fair). The one that makes fights break out (never fists…just words…but serious words) is FACT or OPINION: Michael Jordan is the best basketball player ever. Ooooooooo the kids will argue that that IS A FACT!! I have never been able to talk a kid out of their opinion that that is fact. When I asked a few questions to the second (or third) graders after we finished the book, I threw that one in at the end. Turns out second/third graders are just as opinionated about Michael Jordan as sixth graders are.

The movie had end cards explaining what each of the characters ended up doing and among several other things, under Michael Jordan’s picture it said: He became the best basketball player ever. If it’s in print, it much be true.

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