Birthday celebrating has begun

Thursday, April 13, 2023

I finished my first three classes today and sat down to look at my phone. I had several messages from Keith asking when my lunch was and telling me he was bringing me lunch. That was simply lovely, except that I didn’t have lunch until 12:40 – when he needed to be back in meetings – and I use part of the time to travel from one school to the next. It truly was the thought that counted – I felt very special. I called him to tell him. He said he got an email and could get a free piece of chocolate cake from Portillo’s to celebrate his birthday. I told him to treat himself and go and get himself something lovely.

And he did! He ran to Home Depot and CVS and got himself a sandwich and a piece of LEMON (better) cake.

He was talking about how good the hot pepper relish was on his sandwich while we were talking about making dinner. I said hot pepper relish reminded me of Potbelly (which I called both TJ Max and Not-the-old-bagel-store, because I just say words sometimes. Luckily, he is a skilled translator and caught on quickly). He was ordering before I even knew what was going on – and they gave him an orange creme shake for his birthday. (Sadly, they also gave him entirely the wrong sandwich, so he had to drive back and get his correct sandwich. We both took a consolation bite of the chicken sandwich before he returned it – of course, they just told him to keep it, so we can take more bites at lunch time tomorrow.)

I wonder who will give him dessert tomorrow?

3 thoughts on “Birthday celebrating has begun”

  1. An additional happy birthday from Arkansas! Thompson birthdays are always the most special….

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