Backyard Movies Season

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Winter last for a long, long time this year, and then summer started. Spring is a myth. Tom and Louise were ready to fire up the projector and we were ready to join them. We had talked about how much we like Tom Hanks, and Louise and I decided it was the summer of Tom Hanks – our goal is to watch all of his movies that we haven’t seen, and maybe re-watch a few. I stopped at the library and got Captain Phillips. I am sure we didn’t see it in the theater because it looked too scary for me. I was right. I was hiding behind my hands more than several times and afterward, Louise said her stomach was still in a knot. It was terrific, though, and I am glad we watched it.

I have to report on the math test from yesterday. There were several people who did abysmally (2/43…8/43…), but also lots of decent scores (the kid who sits next to me in 6th hour every day and asks lots of questions got a 41/43 – he thought it was his best score on a test ever). I had one entertaining interaction I will share.

“Mrs. Thompson, is this a division problem?”
“It’s a test. I can’t really tell you anything, but yes.”
“When I put it in the calculator, should I use the division symbol thing?”
“It’s a test, so I am not telling you anything, but when I do division problems, I use division.”
“So, I should use the division thingy?”
“Again, it’s a test, and I am not telling you anything, but you should do what you think is right.”
“Is that right?”
“It’s a test, so I won’t be telling you what to do, but you should go forth with confidence.”
“Do you mean I should be confident that I am right?”
“Well, I probably wouldn’t be telling you to go be confident if I thought you were wrong, but I can’t really say, because it’s a test and I’m not telling you anything.”
“So if I am right and confident and this is a division problem, then I should use the division thing?”
“I would feel pretty good about everything if you just went and did the test now.”
“So if I put this all in the calculator and use the division thing, what should I write down for an answer?”
“What do you think you should write down when you are looking at the calculator….because I am not telling you. It’s a test.”
“Would the number on the calculator be the answer?”
“Is the number on the calculator usually the answer? I mean, when it’s not a test and I am not telling you anthing?”
“It is the answer.”
“Go away.”
“Mrs. Thompson! I’m just asking you if it will be the answer on the calculator.”
“I totally understand what you are asking me. Now, go away and take a test. Be confident. Do what you think is right.”
“But will I get the right answer?”
“I have no idea. When I correct it, I will know if you got the right answer. Go away.”
“You keep telling me to go away.”
“Because I want you to go away. And to take the math test. When class ends, your time ends.”
“I know. I think if I just type out the problem on the calculator I will just write down when it says.”
“Go away. With confidence. It’s the best way to go away.”
“Mrs. Thompson!”
“Go away backwards. Or go away forward. Go to your desk. Write down math things. I will be sad if I have nothing to correct.”
“All right. I’m going away.”
“I’ll probably miss you.”
“You will not.”
“You’re probably right.”
“I’m right about the calculator?”
“Go away.”

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