No looking back

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Thirty years ago today we moved to Minnesota! We waited for the moving truck to appear- and waited and waited – until Keith finally drove away to find a phone (remember those days?) to call the company to say they were late. It turned out they were planning to be even later. Somehow the paperwork got messed up and instead of delivering our stuff two days after packing it up, the delivery date said May 24, 1994. Whoops. Instead of just spending a weekend on a truck, all of our stuff had been unloaded and stored somewhere and needed to be repacked and brought to us. The very diligent packers had filled that truck so carefully – and when I say filled, I mean filled. After Keith called and said, “Nope, not in a year, right now,” they had to find people to come in to repack and then unload. We waited – it was after noon when they arrived with 3 semi trucks and another big box truck. It’s quicker to just fill the floor and go on to the next truck, I guess. I assumed the neighbors thought we had more stuff than anyone on the planet – but this being Minnesota, we never met any of them and never learned what they thought.

I sure didn’t want to move here when we did. I didn’t want to move anywhere, but Minnesota has been a great place to live. I have thought about where else we might want to live – in retirement or just because Keith can work from anywhere – and I don’t have a better idea than here. Thanks, Minnesota!