Everyone is okay!

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Sean had a car smoosh last night. Benjamin was out dealing craps at the senior party at the high school. Sean was driving a friend home about 11:30pm when a car turned left in front of her.


It was a very young driver who had gotten her car the day before. THE DAY BEORE! Oh, very young driver (in the car with three others) who got your car yesterday, why are you turning left in front of someone? I can never understand the oh-so-many-people who want to turn left at a 4 way stop before the person across from them goes straight. It happens to me almost every time that there is an opportunity for it to happen. What possesses people to think, “That lady has been waiting his turn, but I will jump out in front of him. I will just put the side of my car right in front of him as he is starting to go.”


I don’t actually know the circumstances of the car jumping out in front of Sean. I know the other driver was cited. I know Sean’s car was towed to a lot. I know everyone is fine. The police officer was very kind and told the girl that the citation is just something that she needs to pay and get over, it’s not the end of the world. Sean’s friend soothed the girl, telling her how he told his parents he crunched a car when he was young.

I hope insurance is kind and that the car can be unsmooshed.

2 thoughts on “Everyone is okay!”

  1. Uff da… So thankful that Sean is okay. Hope that the young lady who made the mistake learns from the error – and that she’s willing to get back in the car and try again.

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