
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Home again, home again! We had an uneventful flight home. Even though I knew it would be, I was surprised how hot it is here. I have loved the cool Alaskan and Washington air. (I will love the hot air and cool pool tomorrow.)

Alexander scooped us up from the airport and we had McDonald’s dinner (including a berry Grimace shake) together. Kristine had a puzzle out and Keith worked on it a bit last night, and I put in a few pieces just before we left. I had a puzzle sitting on the table here and couldn’t wait to get started separating the edge pieces while we chatted with Alexander. He left an hour ago and I have been hard at it. It is a pretty easy puzzle (my specialty) – lots of little pictures.

I took the picture of the day this morning of Carabiner faithfully helping the newest granddaughter eat breakfast. I think he (and she) are adorable!!