Haunted Mansion movie

Wednesday, August 9, 2023


I heard mutterings of it not being good and it being a box office failure. I think it is so bizarre that if not everyone rushes to the movie opening weekend, it is a failure. I didn’t actually read any reviews, because I don’t care what some person thinks about it. I care what I think about it. And I loved it.

I did NOT love the woman sitting next to me who CRINKLED the bag of candy she brought in her purse for an unbelievably long time. I truly do not know what kind of plastic that bag was made of, because I don’t know what plastic can make that much noise. I heard someone in the row behind us comment about it. They could hear it in the row behind us – beyond the high-backed seats. She spent a long time finding it in her bag – CRINKLE – then opening it – CRINKLE CRINKLE – then digging out the candy – CRINKLE CRINKLE….CRINKLE….CRINKLE. I kept thinking she HAD to be done – she had to be mortified by being so disruptive – and it would stop. I finally learned over and said, “Please try to be more quiet with your bag of candy in your purse. It is very distracting.” She looked shocked at my audacity. And of course then I felt terrible. I worried and worried. I had to mentally slap my head and tell myself that I was polite and that it was REALLY, REALLY LOUD. I thought that Jerry would support me and tell me it was okay to tell rude people to stop. I got back on track with the movie.

And I really enjoyed it. There were so many parts of the ride incorporated in the show that made it extra fun for those of us who have ridden a few times, but I thought the plot made sense and it was funny scary without having to know anything about the ride.

I picked the picture of the day because I went to my phone to text my sister that the movie was terrific, and I saw the picture I sent her to demonstrate my hair was having volume and that I forget to shower when I pool every day. I thought it looked exactly like what I think I look like, so I am sharing it with you.

2 thoughts on “Haunted Mansion movie”

  1. Lookin’ good… Hey, the lady with the crinkly bag didn’t have a clue and probably rarely thinks about how what she’s doing affects people outside of a one foot radius around her. Same is true of talkers at concerts. They’re like little children – just not aware. We’re HELPING them to become more self-aware by politely informing them. You get an “A+.”

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