A Hot Day and No A/C

Monday, September 4, 2023

Happy Labor Day! We invited friends over for brisket and floating and air conditioning (because their house doesn’t have duct work and therefore doesn’t have A/C) for our third nearly 100-degree day.

They arrived just before noon and SURPRISE! Our air conditioning stopped working. It was 80 degrees in the house. The kids went swimming right away and we chatted a bit and listened to some excellent new brass band arrangements.

The temperature rose – 84 degrees.

The women went floating.

The temperature rose – 86 degrees.

The men came for a dip. It was Keith’s first time going into the pool when other people were here. That is a big step!

We ate brisket and salad and green beans, and it was all delicious. We ate and ate because it took longer to cook than expected and we were HUNGRY.

Then they had to go, because there was a dog at home, waiting.

They left and we went back to the pool for cooling. We stayed out there for a long time. I tried to get a picture that showed the fun pool light, but… We are heading to the basement to sleep. It has dropped to 77 (outside, 83 inside) and is supposed to stay there, but basement sleeping is terrific, so that is the plan.

Hmmm… they were also at our house (our last house) when the air conditioning stopped working there. Moral of the story apparently is to stop inviting them over.

2 thoughts on “A Hot Day and No A/C”

  1. I can’t believe how hot it is in Wisconsin and Minnesota!!! We’re having lightly warm days over here in Michigan (90 yesterday and it’s supposed to that again today before getting way cooler tomorrow and thereafter). Hope the air conditioning is revived today! And SO HAPPY you guys have that POOL!!!

    1. 90 is solid hot, too! I suggested last night that maybe we don’t need air conditioning, we can just pool all the time. 🙂
      My weather app says high if 64 tomorrow!! I shall revel in the heat today!!!

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