Auction Baskets

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The high today was 64. We did not turn on the air conditioning. I think it still works. What if it doesn’t? We won’t know until it gets hot next spring. Weird.

I was making auction baskets with my friend, Carla, for her church today. I love the way they do their fall festival fund raiser – $1 raffle ticket goes into the bucket for the basket you want to have a chance to win. Last year, there were 77 baskets – 77 winners! I helped shop for some items (bargains!!) and then we put things in baskets and made them look wonderful. Full disclosure: I didn’t make anything look wonderful. That is not my thing. My thing is putting things in piles.

Some church members donate entire baskets, like the one in the picture of the day. I liked this basket, because I like that little guy in front that looks like pie.