I went to a Mall!

Thursday, September 7, 2023

I was housewifing today. I roasted tomatoes for tomato soup. I cooked bacon for BLTs. I cleaned up from making chili rellenos last night. I did laundry (and PUT it away). I scrubbed up big pans. I took a nap in the hot tub.

Oh. That last one isn’t so housewifey.

Then we went to a mall to pick up something we ordered with free shipping to store. We are listening to James Burrows’ book Directed By, so we like riding around in the car together whenever we can. I was so excited to be at a mall. I didn’t know I was mall starved. We had 30 minutes before it closed, so I just zoomed around looking and looking. Such fun. Keith went to the bathroom and I was looking at dresses in Macy’s. He walked up to 1 inch behind me and said, “Hi!” and I jumped and gave a big shriek. “Don’t sneak up on me!” The lady a couple racks away was really laughing. Malls are so fun.