Family dinner and House-versary

Saturday, September 9, 2023

We bought our house 6 years ago! What a good and fun decision that was. Keith’s idea was that we were done with the boy raising part of life and we should be on to the party having part of life. We have been trying to up our game this year and I think it has been going pretty well. We invited the culdesac to another pizza party for Tuesday and no one has responded. I guess we just keep trying.

Benjin and Sean are still here, so Alexander came for dinner. We had delicious Jamaican food from Pimento (located at Keg and Case, which was so vibrant before pandemic and is now just a nearly empty shell and breaks my heart). Obviously, dinner conversation turned to talking about breakfast cereal, when Alexander wondered why Rice Krispies existed. He believes that just about any other cereal would make a better glued-together-with-marshmallow bar. (I disagree) I very much wish I could express the deep knowledge my children have of sugary breakfast cereals. Alexander once played a bracket game to choose the least trust-worthy cereal mascot (implying he has a lot of knowledge about that particular aspect of cereal) (he does not trust Sunny from raisin bran because of his lack of specific measuring practices – two scoops? How much is a scoop!?). Keith was reading off all the names of Malt-o-Meal’s bagged cereals because Alexander started talking about Admiral Munch, then admitted they could probably still be sued if they used that name (they actually call it Colossal Crunch). We’ve got two who like crunch berries and two who don’t – and one who has never had Cap’n Crunch (oh sad). Apparently, Benjamin prefers his Fruity Dino Bites WITH mini marshmallows, which Alexander says is over the top sweet. I thought it was hilarious that A. Alexander already knew Benjamin’s preference, and B. Alexander thinks anything is over the top sweet.

There were a lot of slogans repeated, a few jingles sung, favorites discussed, and even a Cinnamon Toast Crunch rap listened to. I know I loooove Cap’n Crunch and Honeycomb and Sugar Smacks (the boys couldn’t believe that puffed rice without the delicious sugar coating actually exists. That seems like a Christmas present), but Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Cereal is both gross and has a too-long name.

4 thoughts on “Family dinner and House-versary”

  1. Nothing better than a bowl of Captain Crunch before it gets soggy! The real kind with no additional flavors!

  2. And ALL cereal is WAY better with no milk on it at all…. It will never, ever get soggy. (I know that I’m in a weirdo minority here…)

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