My Big Fat Greek Chorus Line

Saturday, September 16, 2023

We went to see the third Big Fat Greek Wedding movie this morning at 10:45. I wonder if that’s what it’s called. There was no wedding. Oh, my god, yes there was. HA! I forgot. There was a wedding! I bet that is what it is called because there is a wedding. (Spoilers) I really enjoyed it. I teared up about 15 times – such nice things happen. There are a lot of candles and candles in jars sitting around and candles in jars hanging from trees at one point (um, spoiler…wedding) and it is soooo pretty. I want candles in jars hanging from trees. I have trees. It does seem like a lot of work for no one but me to see. I will have to think about it. OH! I could put candles in jars for dinner en blanc next year and we could be the cool people with candles in jars in trees. OooooOOooo. But, we would have to have trees. At least a tree. And jars. Anyway, that’s now a work in progress. I don’t actually ever have to do any of these works in progress, but I do enjoy thinking them up.

Anyway, I liked the movie a lot. Then we had floating in the pool, because it was a beautiful afternoon. Then we made really nice pizzas with the two pieces of dough left from Wednesday that we forgot about. I have noticed that our most successful pizzas are just for the two of us. Other people must make us nervous.

Tonight, we went to Anoka to see a Chorus Line. It was really good. It was our first time at the Lyric Arts theater. There was an ad in the Playbill at Jagged Little Pill and we were happy to find a new theater to go to. It was a nice venue, with seats with lots of leg room. We got a series, so we will be back again.