Trying another new place

Monday, September, 18, 2023

I signed up to work at the Next Step program for today. Next Step is for students with IEPs (Individual Education Plans) between 18 and 21 years old. They work on job training and independent living skills, as well as other things. I had already scheduled a four-day job there in November and when this job became available last week, I thought it was a good idea to use it as a way to visit before I jumped in for four days. I set off early, so I could have a few extra minutes to organize myself. I drove down to Cottage Grove and parked in front of the building. I walked up to the front door and read the sign: Please do not park in front of Next Step. This is our loading and unloading zone.

I turned around and started back to my car. Then I turned around and wondered if I should go and ask where I should park, then figured I would just go around the building, so I turned around again. A woman’s voice turned me again. “Can I help you?”
“I’m subbing for Teacher C, but I parked in front.”
“Oh, you’re in the wrong place. She works at the Woodbury building.”
“Oh. Darn.”

Turns out the teacher should have put a note in the sub job explaining where she worked, as the default address is wrong (and the one I used). She forgot. I came through the neighborhoods to get there, but since the location is just off I-494, I turned to go back to Woodbury on Hwy 10/61. I was zooming along, listening to my audiobook Rebel without a Clause (about a wandering grammarian) when suddenly I was STOPPING. There was traffic! Adjacent to Woodbury! I had no idea. The many cars that were taking the exit to east and west 494 were slowed down to a near standstill. Well, there’s a great reason to drive by myself through neighborhoods.

The school location is in the Valley Creek mall. Mall is rather a grand word for this place – it is sort of an indoor strip mall. It was right past the Ace Hardware and before the Keys restaurant. Breakfast smelled really good. I had asked at the first place for them to call to explain that I went to the wrong place and that I was on my way, so I wasn’t worried about arriving late. I had rechecked my information and there was nothing about being in Woodbury. I read the sign next to the door. It said to ring the bell to be let in. All schools have a ring the bell thing and it made total sense in this very public area. I looked for the bell. Mmmm. There was a black, textured box with a camera circle at the top. I waved. Within the textured area there was a faint rectangle – I thought it must be the bell. I pushed it and lights wiggled out to the sides like it was doing something. I stood and smiled. I realized I might look insane, so I tried to just look pleasant. Then I forgot how to use my face muscles and stepped a little to the side. I waited. I looked around. Surely that was the bell. It made little lights, so something had happened. I could hear sounds inside, so someone was there. I waited. I pushed the button again. Little lights. Then nothing. I smiled again and had the same conversation with myself about looking insane.

On the drive between stop one and stop two, I decided to have my soda. It wasn’t finished, so I was carrying on open soda (not my preferred way to make an entrance, but I wasn’t ready to abandon it in the car), as well as my backpack and lunch. I walked about 6 feet away and set everything down on a little table and got out my phone. Luckily, there was a phone number on the bottom of the sign, so I called. I got the voice mail of the nurse leaving a very long message about calling your student in sick. I listened, planning to leave a message, then I didn’t. When was she going to listen to these messages? Mmmm. I scooped everything back up and pushed the button again. Little lights. Smiling. Not smiling. Looking around. Thinking I could just go for breakfast. Thinking how terrible it would be to just not show up, when I had tried really hard to show up. I tried to listen to the sounds inside, but they were just unrecognizable sounds. I really didn’t want to be the person leaning on the bell when something important was going on. I pushed the button again and almost immediately a woman opened the door. I almost fell down.

Everyone was very welcoming and nice. I mean reaaalllllly welcoming and nice, and very apologetic that I had gone to wrong place. I had prep first hour and spent the time with the teacher I am subbing for in November. He said he is going on a big birthday trip in November. I was going to ask if he was turning 40 (big birthday), but then thought maybe not. Certainly not 30 – Alexander is 30! – but he might not yet be 40 and it is soooo better not to over guess. Then he said his wife is turning 60. What? What? I guess she could be 20some years older than he is, but, what? I am not good with ages, but…what?

I asked a student to circle some jobs on a sheet and he was not having it. He threw the pencil and the sheet and stormed off. Darn. There was a sign language interpreter with me, and she knew who to get to help. He calmed down and returned very quickly, and I thought all was well. Nope. The four girls in class were traumatized. Or at least they said they were. They came to their realization of trauma slowly, in sort of a domino effect way – one after another. They needed breaks, and drinks, and maybe snacks. We all survived.

My desk for the day was in an office with a very, very nice man. He just started this year with the program, but he was doing his best to make sure I was having a good day. I am usually having a good day, but he didn’t know that. After the students left, I looked at my phone and I had a text that there had been a bear in the Magic Kingdom! I told him, because I thought it was pretty amazing and found out that he goes to Disney World once or twice a year. Always in January and sometimes in June. I asked if he had been on Guardians of the Galaxy and he didn’t know. I was SO confused. He seemed so normal all day!! He googled the ride and watched a video – after the train left the station and actually got on the ride he recognized it. Yes, he has been on it. Obviously, he is not as big of a fan of it as I am.

It was a good day. Several (dare I say many?) people asked if I would be willing to come back. Yes, I am the sub willing to come back.

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