Isabella Esler

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

We went to see Beetlejuice tonight. I know I saw the movie 20some years ago, but I remembered nothing. I would say that most of the audience was more familiar with the source material than that! It was an excited crowd that showed their appreciation for every scene. While the actor playing Beetlejuice was really good, the young actress playing Lydia – the real star of the show – was stellar. Her bio said that she just graduated from high school and that this is her first professional job.

I will boldly go on record that it will not be her last. She could really sing! She was easy to understand whether she was talking or singing (the whole cast sounded great. Given our recent issues with sound, I wondered if it was just the Orpheum. Tonight was clear as a bell). I enjoyed every moment she was on stage (well, I really enjoyed the whole show, so…ya know….go with it). I wonder if we will all see her name in lights some day. I think yes.

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