It’s After Thanksgiving

Monday, November 27, 2023

It must be time to decorate the kitty. Sean decorated Eggy B and we all told him how pretty he looked, then forgot about him. He wore his ribbon a lot longer than he really had to – quite a good sport.

I subbed in 4th grade today. I enjoyed it a lot. They talk a lot – but they aren’t being mean…they seem to not realize they are talking. You point it out to them and they stare at you in amazement. The line leader was so helpful. He filled me in on all the things to say to make things happen – that was enormously helpful and I let him know how much I appreciated him. As we all walked to the lockers at the end of the day, I told him I really enjoyed his class and that I would be back in the spring (if not before) because I had already taken a 4 day job for this teacher in March. His response? “So, you’re like a substitute teacher then?” Yes. Yes, I am.