We made a thing

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

I saw a picture last year of a little tree-shaped thing made out of food cans. So, I saved cans (in a year, I didn’t quite save all 100, so I got some from Maren, Alexander, and Sean). Then I set them on the floor, shaped like a tree, and left them there for some days. Keith had to build a frame, paint it, and drill holes in the bottoms of the cans. We glued them all together (the first glue didn’t work. Boo first glue. The hot glue worked, but my tiny craft low-temp glue gun wasn’t really ideal. Keith went and bought a big HOT glue gun to finish the job. There is so much glue. Keith had never hot glued before. It was pretty funny how he didn’t know how to hot glue, because he knows everything else) and put in lights (and glued them VERY securely…because maybe our little tree-shaped can thing will get hit by a tsunami or something) and put it on the porch.

We like it because we made it and it is shiny.

6 thoughts on “We made a thing”

  1. Oh that is soooo fun but need a closeup. Is just the top of the can gone and the the lights through the bottoms, or are both ends gone. Are the cans sprayed? Inquiring minds need to know.

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