Wrapped Up in Red

Friday, December 8, 2023

We went to see the show Wrapped Up in Red at the Phipps. As we walked into the theater, I asked Keith what kind of show it was. He had no idea. I had no idea. Interesting sometimes when we buy season tickets in the spring what comes up in December. Apparently, it was kid friendly, because the lobby was filled with kids.

It turned out to be a dance show. Lots of vignettes of a story of a duo traveling to NYC to see the Rockettes. It was all good – some bits better than others – except for the incredible amount of snack wrapper crunching after intermission and the woman next to me that either sang or hummed along to all of the music. On our way out, Keith said I should have said, “Am I going to have to listen to you all night, because I don’t want to.” Just the thought of that made me laugh and laugh.

The park across the street was all decorated. We walked around, enjoying the lights. There were a lot of families there, with kids just running around under the trees. What a fun thing to do on a not very cold, snow-free Friday night in December.

2 thoughts on “Wrapped Up in Red”

  1. I guess concert moderators should mention about turning off your cell phones and no singing or humming. When I buy concert tickets it’s because I want to hear that person not the person next to me. So sad you had to listen to that. Even in It’s Tough to be a Bug, there’s no buzzing or chirping!

    1. Oh my goodness, I am just imagining myself waving my arms and saying, “There is no buzzing or chirping allowed!!” Maybe it would boggle the person into silence 😂

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