Merry Christmas

Monday, December 25, 2023

We did a lot of splendid giving and receiving today. Alexander outdid himself and made me a cool shadow box of the three homes we have had, as well as a fun Etsy tree decoration and a build-your-own cardboard Disneyland. Benjamin and Sean always come up with great gifts – I am going to learn to make cool ice sculptures, possibly as soon as tomorrow (because I have a freezer, because it is record-setting warm here).

We very cleverly gave Benjamin a jar of Jersey Mike’s cherry pepper relish (which is awesome, and each store only got 24 jars). We were so excited to score one for TB. We did not think he even knew they were selling them and would be so excited when he opened it. He did look happy, but he quickly set it down and told us to open a gift labeled to both of us that was sitting between us. It was TWO jars of cherry pepper relish! He went to Jersey Mike’s in Woodbury while we were in Waukesha and the guy told him it was now or never because they only had three left. Meanwhile, we got his when we picked up sandwiches for visiting Keith’s sisters in Madison. That is a story about balance in the universe.

Keith wins the prize for best gift, not so much for the actual gift (although it is great), but for the story that goes with it.

Remember fall and the leaves? Remember the beloved monster yard bag that is getting old? (I will admit it was misstored for a couple years early on – out in the non-weatherproof shed and I ran it over with the lawn mower at least once) (at least twice) (just part of it, not the whole thing). Anyway, we have looked for a replacement over the years and they don’t exist on the internet. We remembered that the people we bought it from 30 years ago lived in a certain neighborhood in Woodbury, and I have suggested we just go door to door, but we never have.

So, Keith decided he wanted to get me a new monster yard bad. He hoped that the family that made them still had a box in their basement with new ones that were never sold. We knew there was nothing on the internet, but once upon a time ago, there was a website. He used that address to dig deeper. He found some very old whois information that listed one hit in the past 20 years and a last name, Tripp. He searched Washington county property taxes and found an address – in the right neighborhood!!

So, he went there. (At this point in the story, Alexander exploded with, “You didn’t just send them a letter!!??!!”) He went there eight times, at different times of the day on different days, but no one ever answered the door. He gave up. It wasn’t to be. Then a week ago, he tried one more time to find a phone number. Finding phone numbers online is not as easy as it used to be, but after some good digging, he found one (listed with the wrong exchange numbers) and called. And a lady answered the phone. He asked if they were the monster yard bag family, and THEY WERE! The lady said Keith should talk to her husband.

Keith explained that we loved our bag, and wanted to replace it, and all that he had done to track them down, hoping they still had one. Mr. Tripp said they hadn’t made them for many, many years because he had changed jobs, and it was difficult to get them made and sold, but they still had a couple in the basement. Keith said he would be right over. Mr. and Mrs. Tripp were very happy and very touched that he had tried so hard to find them and that we liked their product so much. He bought two bags, and Mrs. Tripp went and got a third one for him to give to a friend. How sweet! Alexander said he thought maybe they would have just given them to Keith, but Keith said he offered what he thought was fair before they ever asked for anything and wanted to pay them for them.

Benjamin and Sean spent the evening with her parents, and Alexander went to spent time with a friend who was struggling tonight. I am so glad he was able to be there for his friend. We watched movies and felt so lucky and happy and full of joy.

2 thoughts on “Merry Christmas”

  1. Perfect Christmas story…. Lots and lots of good stuff. There’s a lot to celebrate and this is a great reminder of that fact for all of us.

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