
Friday, January 5, 2023

Last year’s resolution was hard, but I accomplished it. I made my lunch every night before a scheduled work day. It actually feels pretty normal now. My streak will not end. Lunch-making got really easier after the diabetes diagnosis. At first, (when I was not able to think very clearly) I was just eating plain lettuce and broccoli. That is pretty easy to prepare. After I got back on track, I got low carb bread and became obsessed with ham sammiches. Toasted bread (that’s the hard part {seriously, when making toast is the hard part that is pretty easy} but necessary because I love the dried out bread), yellow mustard, lettuce, and deli ham. I am, for some reason, obsessed with yellow mustard. Benjamin doesn’t own any yellow mustard, because (as he says) anyone who has been to the mustard museum as many times as he has just can’t seem to find time for yellow mustard. I like other mustard – for sure! – but I am just jamming on the yellow mustard and ham sandwich. As Alexander always says, you gotta eat fill-in-the-blank when you gotta eat fill-in-the-same-thing. So, I take two ham sammiches every day, because the bread is very small. I love the way my sammich holder smashes it down a bit and how the toast isn’t so crunchy anymore. I usually eat my first sandwich about 7:30…making it more of a breakfast sandwich. I just can’t wait.

Imagine being so happy about your ham sandwich that you go to bed thinking about it and not being able to resist eating it as soon as you can. I am so lucky! Such joy!

This year’s resolution popped out at me about 2 weeks ago. Keith says it is too hard, but he doesn’t know. When it is right, it is right. I am ready to begin the streak. I am going to keep the top of my yellow dresser cleared off. It is where I fold laundry – perfect height – but it is also where I just set stuff that I bring up to the bedroom. When it is covered with stuff, I don’t fold the laundry, I set it somewhere else. Then somewhere else is full of laundry and more stuff gets piled on the yellow dresser and it is just not a good situation. I am working out the details. The goal is to have the dresser cleared off every night before bed. The question is if I just sweep everything off and throw it on the chest at the foot of the bed, does that count? I am going to say no. The intent is to get things put away, not clutter elsewhere. It’s been cleared off since I went back to work Wednesday. The streak is on.