Two Cookings in a row

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Alexander texted last night to say he was going to pop over to exchange cars. His car had a battery issue a few weeks ago and Keith got it fixed, but he wanted to make sure that nothing happened while we were in Portugal, so Alexander still had our car. His car seems fine and we are here, so we can swap back. I told Alexander we were headed to bed, so a different night would be better.

It was 8:30.

I was really tired. And Keith was sick. He said he thought it was reaaaallllly weird, because the parents always stay up until midnight or later, but, okay. He said he’d come today after work. (I did manage to stay awake until almost 10. He could have come.)

We had pulled chicken in a black pepper cream sauce over baked potatoes and/or rice. Alexander prefers rice, I prefer potato, and Keith had both. I thought both was just a plain weird idea, until he raved about it. (We made him eat in the other room and wear a mask when he wasn’t eating. We don’t want his disease. He spent another day sleeping in bed all day.) I tried it and it was oddly delicious. Alexander and I were sitting at the table, chatting and eating. He kept mentioning that the meal was really good. I was very glad, because it always makes you feel good when you make something someone likes. Then he was licking his plate. And I didn’t notice until he said, “Oh, I’m licking my plate and I am not at home, living alone, where you can do things like that.”

I said it was okay, because even though I was looking right at him, I hadn’t noticed. We run a pretty casual place here.