Fourth Grade

Thursday, February 8, 2024

When we postponed the trip, I opened up the sub system for this week and picked up several days with the fourth grade that I (and Louise) were in a few weeks ago. The brand-new teacher (doing a long-term maternity leave) is waiting for her license, so a licensed teacher needs to be in the room with her. I did less and less each day I was there as she got more used to what she will be doing (for a couple months). Today I made everyone name tags for their desks while she was teaching (I did hop up to help when needed). Crafts while working – what could be better? It could have been better if my tooth had not decided to HURT. I drank cold water this morning and just about screamed. I do not ever want anything to hurt that much again. Fifteen seconds later it settled down (which is good because I would NOT have been able to last longer than that). I poked my tooth and it felt fine. WTAH? They gave me a chocolate heart with my sub packet and I took a bit during prep and the pain blasted through me again. BLASTED. I did not like it, but it did settle again.

The dentist could see me at 2pm. Good, but darn. I felt really bad about leaving an hour early from school, because someone would have to give up their time to come and watch the baby teacher. The principal said it was not a problem and wanted me to get it looked at before we left for California.

At 1:00, the door opened and the principal came in with the news that the license had been posted and all was in order. We needed no one to take my spot. I could leave without any complications. It also meant that I don’t have to work tomorrow. I signed up to do Friday because it was a bunch of days and I thought the consistency would be good for the kids, but school is out at 3:10 and we are leaving for the airport at 4:15. It is definitely doable! but I’m not gonna lie – I am very happy to just wander around and add things to the suitcase all day tomorrow. (It took me forever to pack…apparently I’ve never packed before…)

The dentist took an x-ray and there was nothing to see. He said it could be a nerve dying inside the tooth that already has a crown. Why do I have a crown if I didn’t already have a root canal? I don’t know. I didn’t ask. I did talk to the receptionist about chapstick for quite a while, but didn’t ask about my tooth. He recommended three Ibuprofen and one Tylenol for pain and if it continues contacting some other dentist guys who just do root canals. He said it could just get better. I’m rooting for that! (Get it? Rooting! Ha! I’m funny.)

2 thoughts on “Fourth Grade”

  1. Just a quick one… I had almost exactly the same thing happen back in Eau Claire. It took an endodontist (isn’t that a great name?) to ultimately figure it out. We LITERALLY couldn’t figure out which tooth was the problem – took months to get it right. In my case, I had to part with the tooth – hopefully you won’t have to do that, but be vigilant and keep going back if it keeps hurting. In the meantime, enjoy San Diego!!!

    1. Last night I really started thinking I’d pointed out the wrong tooth! Bottom instead of top 🤦‍♀️ Today it is still a mystery. It is not hurting unless I chew on it – so I am very careful. I’m also trying to drink on the other side. I don’t know how that can be a thing, but it seems to be working 🙂

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