
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Jeffrey, Johanna, and Adalynn stopped over to return a trumpet. We adored every darling expression (facial and verbal) Adalynn made. She is making good use of “um” as a conversation starter. She checks out what she wants and looks at her mom and dad and says, “um,” and they take it from there. She is signing a bunch of words, but my favorite gesture is still her “waving” where she just opens and closes her fist wherever it is. She is still fond of the ducks from the Christmas party. I think when she is 20 years old, she will tell her parents that whenever she sees us, she thinks of ducks, but doesn’t know why. She found a box of Slim Jims, which are excellent to carry around and then put back. Then carry around again. Then put back. You get the idea.

Benjamin called because he lost his shoes. They are indeed in our shoe room (mudroom). I commended him, since it took me nearly a year to find my grey shoes in a Disney bag on the floor in front of my dresser. He pointed out he only has knowledge of shoes, not actual shoes. We chatted a few minutes, then Keith said, “Ask him if he’s going to the WJF (World Juggling Federation) Paris.” Benjamin explained that the WJF is doing a presentation to the Olympic Committee (an Olympic committee? I don’t know) as part of the pre-Olympics. There will be a competition of only former champions and it will be wicked good (I think that is how he described it). He has been encouraged by the WJFers to be part of the 75 guests and I asked him if was going. He said he didn’t know, was I available to take him to Paris in June? I asked when and he checked the dates. June 26. It happens I am free that day. He said he would get back to me in a day or two.

He said he would get back to me in a day or two.

Well, that’s fun.

As we were talking, we were scooping up a turkey dinner (well planned because it is winter again. It was snowing and the wind is blowing, and it is going to be sub-zero in the morning with the wind chill. Benjin said it was 66 in Madison. Just wait, Madison). I was about to sit down and sign off and thought I needed my phone, in case I ended up just settling in for the evening. I went back to the kitchen. I went back to the living room. I went back to the kitchen. I went back to the living room. I whispered, “Where’s my phone?” to Keith. He said, “What?” I repeated, “Where’s my phone? I can’t find it.” He turned to look at me at the exact moment I realized I was TALKING on it. It was pressed up against my head.

And I’m going to take Benjin to Paris?

5 thoughts on “Um…”

  1. Missing shoes reminds me of the time you lost your shoe bag in a snow bank on your way home from school. Didn’t find the bag with shoes in it until spring when the snow melted. I don’t remember what year that happened. Maybe 1970?

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