New People, old stories

Friday, March 15, 2024

I have a tendency to mix up my people – like stew. If I know you, I think you should know all my other people. Maybe it doesn’t work out for you to meet in person, but I make sure everyone knows about everyone else.

When I checked in to work Tuesday morning, I saw that my friend, Louise’s good friend, Theresa, was also subbing there. I found her room, walked in, and announced, “Hi. I’m Barbara Thompson.” Apparently Louise likes to mix her friends too, because Theresa responded, “I’ve heard so much about you!”

We were both there all week and had lunch together the last three days. It makes sense to me that Louise likes us both, because I think we are quite alike. We were swapping life stories today and I did the short version of meeting Keith (did you even know there was a short version of me ever telling a story?! 🤔) and 6 hours later I found myself in Eau Claire standing on the sidewalk outside the very place we met. It’s chamber orchestra weekend, so I knew I was coming to EC, but didn’t know we’d park right outside of the Pioneer (now painted a pretty horrible blue and gold as opposed to the lovely wood it used to be) before having dinner at Erbert’s and Gerbert’s. Small world!

2 thoughts on “New People, old stories”

  1. I am over-the-moon happy that the two of you met. I have such wonderful friends and you should all get to hang out together.

    In Tom’s thinking, Keith and Teresa’s husband Glen must be a lot alike. When we were in Cozumel, he called Glen “Keith” at least a dozen times.

    1. I think that is cosmic payback – Keith’s brother is Glenn and their mom constantly called Keith Glenn 🙂

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