Last Friday of school for me

Friday, May 24, 2024

I subbed in fifth grade today. They followed their daily routine pretty well, which was good because they listened to absolutely nothing I said. All day long, it was “no, we don’t do that, or we don’t do it that way”. I’m not stupid; I gave up and let it ride. The best part of the day was that my friend, Louise, has already subbed for this class and taught them card tricks. They loved doing the same tricks over and over for me, because I DO NOT want to know how to do the trick. I LOVE not knowing. What was particularly fun was that fifth graders cannot handle cards very well. A lot of cards fell on the floor. If things needed to be shuffled, I had to shuffle. And yet, the tricks worked!! I have absolutely no idea how!

We watched the last four episodes of Young Sheldon tonight. When I heard about the show seven years ago, I thought it sounded like the stupidest thing ever. Who would want to watch Sheldon grow up? He was hard to take as an adult. But we gave it a try and I was hooked from the beginning. I cried through a lot of the end. There is nothing better than crying through a show or a book; so many feelings to be feeling that you can recover from in a very short time.

Oh. Speaking of that, we watched the Survivor finale last night and I am still irritated. No, mad. Stupid woman voter.

2 thoughts on “Last Friday of school for me”

  1. I gladly admit it – I think card tricks are really fun. And, I love promoting them because they are all math based.

    Q: Why do we have to learn math?
    A: Because it makes life more fun!

    I enjoy not knowing how magic works in the same way you enjoy not knowing how card tricks work. I don’t want to know. I just believe magic exists.

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