Lots of Showers means Lots of Flowers

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

We have had an extraordinary amount of rain this spring/summer. Floods are happening everywhere in the upper Midwest. I watched videos of houses falling into rivers today. It is climate change for sure (although some still refuse to believe it).

It was nice enough (not raining) to be out in the pool today. I wandered the backyard – it is jungle-y back there. All the plants are big (Jurassic style!) – weeds and flowers. After several years of not getting my orange lilies, they are going strong this year. At least there is some upside of all this water.

There was a Sheldon band concert tonight and we went down with Tom and Louise. It was an absolutely beautiful evening. Look at Keith, still over there playing flugelhorn. He played the same feature tune he played at the spring concert and got claps. Then a bit later in the program, they played Under the Boardwalk. He played the melody the whole song. Just him. It was another flugelhorn solo, but everyone pretended it wasn’t (?). Mmmm. No claps. No pointing at him and smiling or anything. No worries, but it was unusual.

I tangled with the sound guy at intermission. The two sound guys stood behind us and talked (TALKED) through an entire song. Then they went and sat in chair not far from us and talked (TALKED). I went over during intermission and said their talking was really disruptive and he responded by telling me they had to talk, and talk loud enough to be heard over the band, because it was their job. I’ve been to several concerts before and have never heard sound guys talking. He suggested if we didn’t like it, we move (and he wasn’t very polite about it), so we did.

6 thoughts on “Lots of Showers means Lots of Flowers”

  1. I’ve never heard sound guys talking, either. I predict a short career for these particular ones. Actively distracting an audience from your work seems like a good way to get less work.

  2. Those dudes 1) don’t know what they’re doing and 2) don’t know why they’re there. It’s like camera people who behave as though they’re the only people present at an event and that their photos are THE most important thing. Good grief. A pox upon them…

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