Focus on food

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Man, we eat a lot. It’s great. Well, maybe not for health and all that, but it sure is fun.

I woke up at 9:30 (yay basement sleeping) and my brother was already over for a visit. He went out for a morning walk and ended up at Nancy’s to visit. The conversation was already deep into the oldest people in the world – of the top 50 current oldest people, how many are women? Do you know? Are you guessing? I am ready to tell you the answer, but I am giving you time to guess. It’s all of them. Japan has the most. We read and talked about it for a long time. It’s kind of amazing how long.

Then the doorbell rang. Isn’t it odd how odd it is when the doorbell rings? Nancy’s neighbor, Sue, brought us a lovely tray of muffins and banana bread left after she was in charge of snacks after church. Wonderful.

We chatted and chatted and then went to Kopps for lunch and custard – orange dream and snickers cheesecake. We texted the family and then went to buy jalapeño cheddar brats, pretzel buns and corn. In Minnesota, we buy corn on the cob from the grocery store. I saw the first roadside stand in MN in the 30 years I have lived there about two weeks ago.

The adults (not the four children whose ages average to over thirty) ate in the dining room and got into a conversation about how you eat corn. Michael eats corn AROUND the cob, “scraping” his lower teeth and doing a really good job of getting all the kernels off. It was deemed barbaric. (We are so amenable to different ideas😊) Then we tried it. Nancy is a total convert. I liked it, but I have to learn to pause because you get too much corn in your mouth. (Donna was in on that) Dennis and Karen thought it was pretty good; Dennis thought we should be a competitive corn eating team. Keith couldn’t figure it out, because his teeth are weird. (Sad for you, KT.) We checked in the kitchen at the “kids” table. ALL of them go in circles! We can definitely field a team.

Everyone came. Everyone ate (except David, because he was still full from our earlier eating). Games were played. A great gathering.