A $500 mouse

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The air conditioning fixing man came today and found a mouse that had fried itself and burned up a bunch of air conditioner controls while doing it. We needed some parts and some labor and then the air conditioning was working! We ran it for about half an hour – 3:30-4:00 – then turned it off and went swimming. The forecast for tomorrow is a high of 65, so we thought the cold air would show up and cool down the house. It hasn’t so far (82 in here now and 75 outside) and huh.

The Pioneer Press gave us a newspaper on Sunday. Every once in a while, we just get one tossed on the driveway. I don’t like it in the winter, because we don’t always see it and it gets eaten by the snowblower, but in the summer I’m usually pretty excited. I love reading the newspaper. I subscribed to the Star Tribune (PP is St. Paul, ST is Minneapolis) every day for years. I never thought I would give up reading the paper, and then I did. I held on for too long – only getting the Sunday paper for a while. I realized when I was reading the paper on Saturday night (or just giving up and recycling) before the new one came the next day, that the time had come.

I didn’t have time to read on Sunday, or yesterday, but I sure settled in and read today. I’m sorry I don’t still support them (I have a Star Tribune online subscription), but I am so glad they still exist.

2 thoughts on “A $500 mouse”

  1. Danged mice! Two years ago they built a freakin’ nest in the air system of our old Saturn. I started trying to mouse-proof the garage (using scented dryer sheets and other things). So far, so good.

    1. Perhaps we should put dryer sheets in the air conditioner. The fixing man said mouses frying themselves and other parts is not uncommon

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